martes, 20 de marzo de 2007


IDEO es una de esas compañías que marcan la diferencia. En poco más de dos décadas de existencia ha alcanzado realizaciones memorables (ver aquí artículos de prensa que relatan su historia y hazañas)

Su filosofía de trabajo se resume en las palabras "Design Thinking"

"IDEO helps organizations innovate through design. Independently ranked by global business leaders as one of the world's most innovative companies, we use design thinking to help clients navigate the speed, complexity, and opportunity areas of today's world.

We help organizations in the business, government, education, and social sectors innovate and grow in three ways:

We identify opportunities for growth by revealing people's latent needs, behaviors, and desires, and visualizing new ways to serve and support people.

We design new offerings—products, services, spaces, media and software-based interactions—and preserve the relevance and delight of the original idea from concept to market expression.

We enable organizations to transform their cultures and build the capabilities required to innovate routinely..."

MIT tuvo hace poco como conferencista a su CEO, Timothy Brown. Aquí el VIDEO.

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