miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2008

Radicalidad en el diseño (otra forma de innovatividad)

El artículo es de Julia Hanna en HBS Working Knowledge, quien comenta a su vez los resultados de una investigación publicada en el JPIM, "Strategies of Innovation and Imitation of Product Languages" de Roberto Verganti y Claudio Dell'Era. Podríamos resumir diciendo, el valor del diseño, en el valor del nuevo producto...

""It's very hard to understand what people want," he says. "If I make a car that can brake in 10 yards instead of 50, that's a quantifiable advantage that is easy to understand. But if I decide to create a computer out of translucent, colored plastic, it's much more subjective. People will love it, or they won't."..."

"Focus groups and market research can help to define a product, of course, but Verganti has found that design-driven innovation is not user-centered. Instead, it comes from within the organization. "Rather than being pulled by user requirements," he wrote recently, "design-driven innovation is pushed by a firm's vision about possible new product meanings and languages that could diffuse in society."..."

""Apple is a company that is pushed by a vision," Verganti says. "Steve Jobs has said that the market doesn't always know what it wants. Companies that do radical innovation do not listen to users; they eventually value market feedback, but first they propose things to the users."..."


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